The last 6 months has definitely been challenging for many of us, so this time for our Challenging Times Event we want to talk "All About Behavior".
Our Autism Life Center Board of Directors and Founding Executive Director, will share their tips on working through challenging behaviors as both parents and professionals. We'll share practical, inexpensive suggestions you can implement at home.
Topics we'll discuss:
-How do sensory needs change behavior?
-Ways to help our kids calm.
-How to help our kids meet their sensory needs?
-What is a calm down routine?
-How can visuals help with behaviors?
and more!
Do you have a topic or question you'd like us to cover? Please send it to us at
This event will be held on Facebook, on this event page! You'll simply come here to this page, Aug. 15 at 7pm, click on discussion and we'll be here!