Autism Community Support
Autism Life Center is a nonprofit organization based in Northwest Ohio. We focus on empowering individuals with Autism, their family and professionals.
Autism Life Center is a nonprofit organization based in Northwest Ohio. We focus on empowering individuals with Autism, their family and professionals.
What we do
Autism Life Center’s mission is to create opportunities to help Autistic adults and children grow to reach their maximum potential by supporting Autistic individuals, their families and the professionals who serve them.
Support Groups
We have Autism Support meetings the 2nd Tuesday of each month, except June, July, Aug. & Dec.
“The most interesting people you’ll find are the ones that don’t fit into your average cardboard box. They’ll make what they need. They’ll make their own boxes.”
But if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn’t get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things about Holland.
Many times as parents and caregivers we don’t give ourselves the grace to admit how much life is weighing on us. We keep going because keeping going is all we can do.
I guess if I could ask for anything for our kids with special needs, it’d be that everyone would see them the way us parents do.
It’s always good to help our kids explore and engage with others, for some families this includes going Trick or Treating. So how can we help our kids understand that masks aren’t real, the spooky things are toys and that you get candy in the end? Here are few things that may help.
It’s that time of the year for many of us... Back to School Time!
Whether we’re teachers or parents, we are gathering up pens, pencils, glue sticks, etc. You know all those fun school supplies. But if you’re a special needs parent there’s more than the school supplies to prepare for.
There are many ways to be involved with and support Autism Life Center!
Here are a few.
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Our events build a stronger community. Help us raise Autism acceptance & awareness. Check out what’s coming up!
We are a non-profit organization your tax deductible donation makes what we do possible. Thank You!
See more on our Events Page
Happy Daz and Autism Life Center have teamed up to host a Sensory Friendly dining time, Thurs., Feb. 20from 5-6pm ONLY at the Happy Daz on Elida Road. (4557 Elida Rd., Lima, OH)
This is a laid-back gathering—think of it as friends coming together over coffee to chat, share resources, and support one another.
So many times as a special needs parent we want to hear our child’s voice. What will it sound like? What will they say? But after waiting so many years to hear our daughter’s voice, I realized this momma wanted more. I want to “hear” what she wants to tell me! I want to hear what color of popsicle she wants. I want to hear her tell me she wants to go somewhere and oh my goodness, I want to hear her say “I Love You!”.